Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day (part III): The return of the dead-pan

For awhile, when she was 6 months or so, Emma refused to smile for the camera. Later on Christmas Day, despite all of her wonderful new presents, that same Emma seemed to return....
We call this "DPE"...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Christmas Sled

We got Emma a sled for Christmas. It is perfectly Emma-sized. It was a nice afternoon for a sled ride, in the balmy mid-20s!

We were amazed at how long Emma was willing to ride in the sled. It has a hold-down strap, but she is a good fusser. To make sure the trip was absorbed into baby-memory as a fun one, we made sure to get out and explore.

Though, getting out didn't alway wind up as pleasure.
Pete's Hill, where we were sledding was bustling with walkers, sledder and dogs. Emma LIKES dogs.
There is so much snow in Bozeman right now....It snowed another 12" on Christmas Day, that we may be sledding to Rockford from now on to get *our* morning coffee!

Christmas Morning Walk

Sid had an overnight shift on Christmas Eve. So, it was just Emma and I flying solo in the morning. We got out on a nice "almost" around the block walk....Well, we made it to our corner and back.
She is sporting her new, Mom-made mittens and finally fits into her snow boots. She navigated the snow suit/snow boot/snow combo. like a champion.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

T'was the Night Before Christmas...

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house....little bouncing snowman was hiding, being quiet as a mouse. Not a creature was stirring.....especially the happy little carrot-nosed man. Emma had found love and he was now missing 3 bells!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bozeman's Baby Lady in Waiting, says..

The lady in waiting/diva Emma says, "It is cold here in Bozeman and next year's rose bush (that you'll be planting for me) should go into this box...."