The flowers were farther along than we expected. The weather was better too!
Emma and her big stick. It took us a while to get going. Emma found this stick immediately after passing through the state land gate. It intrigued her for at least 15 minutes. A friendly woman walking with her dog remarked on the Wendell Berry quote: "The 1 foot journey"- referring to children and their abilities to find highly focused wonder in their surroundings.
Sid waiting patiently to begin.
Emma had a nice visit with the dog behind her. After that she was ready to head up the hill.
Emma actually took this one. I was showing her how to use my digital slr. Foolish I know. But, not a bad shot.
Emma is just learning how to ride a push-pedal bike (no pedals, you just push with your feet).
Looks like Emma was assistance free. At least for a minute or so!