Emma, her stroller and our backyard fence.
The foray begins.
Note apples on ground.
It was a BIG apple year for town.
We could have had gallons and gallons of cider.
As it was, we collected enough for 1/2 gallon.
Next year we will do better.

1/2 way to the library. The Britax Vigour stroller is great, but note jacket attached to top. The visor is minimally useful; not enough coverage to protect her face from the sun.
Otherwise this stoller system is fabulous. I should have taken pictures of the wheels, they are hardcore.
Like Emma and I.
Note the intense residential environment we have exposed ourselves too. I am teaching Emma to be fearless. Those leaves are dangerous.

More dangerous leaves and her big feet.

See the smile? Emma is showing a little of her personality I think.