I've been picking up videos to watch while I'm nursing. Emma has no choice but to come along. This last outing was a nice day. It was over 2 weeks ago. I am getting behind on the blogging.
That day she looked like an elf. I think it was the hat and the fact I didn't get it down over her ears all the way.
These were actually taken on Halloween day.
There are quite a few pictures of emma with the fire hydrant b/c I liked how the red matched her big bad booties.

These pictures were taken on a side street near the library. The house in the background is one of my favorite in Bozeman. The architect who re-did the house name is Thor Arnold (great name). He does really interesting things with old barns and has an interesting refurbished/sustainable style. There are solar panels in the back yard. This house he redid for his mother-in-law. Thor is married to the sister of my Pilates instructor. I love that I know this. I love this town.
Below Emma is humoring me and my amateur photography interests.