I'm all about the flowers, and a mellow fire season. But, honestly I wish it would stop snowing. The Bridger-bound men and women about town in their ski finery, grabbing a quick cup of joe before hitting the hill are making me grumpy.
Emma on the other hand seems to have newly discovered snow. She was entranced by the falling flakes this afternoon as they past our dining room window.

She literally watched the snow from her exer-saucer for 10 minutes. It was very special to watch.
So, with that realization I adjusted my attitude and revved myself up for a little late-winter romp around the block. Still I hadn't total bought into this being fun.....it was getting late and was a bit raw and wet.......

But, not Emma. She was in her bunting finest with a can-do attitude.

Then I started to see some things that actually were pretty.

Sid is in Billings at a tournament (those in the know will know what kind) so Emma and I are on our own for the weekend. It was nice to get out of the house just the two of us and to be focused solely on her as she becomes so much more in-tune with her surroundings; even if it is just a walk around our neighborhood at 5pm on a day that should have been in the 5os.

And who can argue with a baby girl, captivated by April snow who has a smile like that?