Well, he came. After Oregon and Kentucky tomorrow, there will only be Puerto Rico, Montana, & S. Dakota left. We are truly at the back of the line. His rally was the largest event (~6,000 people) I've ever attended in Montana. It was at the Brick Breeden Field House. There were a lot of bikes parked outside. Yahoo. Spring has hit Bozeman!

He did a good job. He stumped, of course; talking in generalizations about ending the Iraq war, preserving nature for our children, moving away from oil and to alternative energies, maintaining and growing blue collar jobs in America, all citizens having the opportunity for the same health insurance he receives as a U.S. Congressman, rebuilding our respect among other nations, etc. etc. But, it was great to hear from the horse's mouth. I just hope he can do even some of it.

He also was gracious to Ms. Clinton, which I appreciated. He also clearly stated that he would expect us all to do our part and work hard to make the changes in this nation happen. Good to hear as well.

Had I brought Emma (alas, she was sound asleep in her bed at home), she might have gotten held by the man himself. By the end we were really close, ~5 feet away. See picture below.

Go Obama. Time will make him our next president. I do dearly hope.