Sunday, April 18, 2010

Emma and the Dinosaurs

Yesterday, while Sid was out with the fish and the boys on the Yellowstone, Emma spent some time (about 3 hours total) at the Museum of the Rockies; with the dinosaurs.
Emma is really into dinosaurs. Here she stands in front of "Big Mike", the T-Rex.
Even though T-Rex is "pretty scary", according to Emma, she has the Williamson urge to heal the poor extinct guys.
So Emma dons her doctor glasses and starts working on "T", who appears to be unwell. Like the Shiatsu masters, the tongue is checked for indications of sickness.
"T" appears to be feeling better already. Emma is good with dinosaurs.
I have some video that I am trying to post. If I can figure it out I will. It is pretty funny!


I only recently realized that my Palm phone can take video. So, please excuse the orientation issues. The glasses and activity were too amusing to pass up.

In this next one, Emma is not very pleased that another "doctor", a girl has shown up to interfere with her work. Aside from a few long stares, skewed glances and a consternated scratch at the head, she keeps her cool.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter from Montana

I was all ready to show you a picture of garden (with hay bale) sans snow- as an update to our previous bog on "current conditions". And as evidence that we are not crazy to live in Montana.

Alas, now all I have for you, on this Easter Eve, are pictures of snow, snow, snow. And parent/kid madness, in the form of a blizzard-like Easter Hunt at our beloved Museum of the Rockies.

When we awoke to a heavy downfall, Sid was convinced they would cancel the hunt. I retorted, "Oh ho, no. This my dear, is Montana. People here do not cancel due to weather." I was right. At least on this topic.

Here are some pictures of our morning.

What lies in wait.

The competition.

Emma holding her own.

What she is expected to achieve by at last age 6 (see pig-like-dino basket/mother lode on right).

Why I love Bozeman and Museum of the Rockies.

Sid giving Emma a pre-hunt pep talk....The portion I overheard: "It's all about the eggs Emma. Just focus. You got skills. You can do it!"

Emma visualizing success. Self-taught.

Elmo is everywhere. We love him.


So, Happy Easter!! We love you. Enjoy the special day. We'll be thinking of, and missing you....Don't you wish you were here right now visiting us? Maybe next year? :-)
